Books by local authors

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Roadside History of Illinois, Signed by Stan Banash, author. Softcover ($20). Did you know that Chicago was named for a wild onion or garlic? Or that the only president born in Illinois was Ronald Reagan? Or that the Ferris Wheel, processed cheese, the game of softball, the fly swatter, and the automatic dishwasher were all invented by Illinoisans? You’ll find these stories and hundreds more in an entertaining and revealing tour of the Prairie State’s historical places. Buy online, with shipping $33.20.

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Dee Brown’s Civil War Anthology, Signed by Stan Banash, editor. Hardcover ($25), Softcover ($15). America’s foremost popular historian, Dee Brown, author of Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, brings Civil War history to life–the daring raids, brilliant strategies, tragic miscalculations, and pigheaded blunders; times for both sides when everything that could go wrong, did; and moments when extraordinary good luck suggested divine intervention.

Buy hardcover online with shipping $35.00 [wp_cart_button name=”Dee Brown’s Civil War Anthology, hardcover, signed, w/shipping” price=”$35.00″]

Buy softcover online with shipping $25.00 [wp_cart_button name=”Dee Brown’s Civil War Anthology, softcover, signed, w/shipping” price=”$25.00″]

My Name by Betty Waldron Portenlanger.  Softcover ($5). Former Kindergarten teacher at the Onahan Elementary School, Betty has written a children’s book to help a child spell their name using apple stickers.

Buy online with shipping $10.00 [wp_cart_button name=”My Name with shipping” price=”10.00″]

Books by Deborah Kent and R. Conrad Stein

Deborah Kent is the author of nearly two dozen young-adult novels and numerous non-fiction titles, including Snake Pits, Talking Cures, and Magic Bullets: A History of Mental Illness. She lives in Chicago, Illinois and is one of the Directors of the Norwood Park Historical Society. All books are hardcover except as noted “paperback.” [wp_cart_display_product name=”Women of Spirit: Biography of Dorothy Day, Friend to the Forgotten, by Deborah Kent, signed (tax included), $5.50 in store; with shipping ” price=”$9.50″ thumbnail=””]

R. Conrad Stein was born and grew up in Chicago, Illinois. At age 18, he enlisted in the Marine Corps and served for three years. Later he attended the University of Illinois, where he graduated with a degree in history. He is now a full-time writer of material for young readers and has published more than 100 books. He and his wife, Deborah Kent Stein, live in Old Norwood Park, on Northwest side of Chicago, Illinois. All books are hardcover.

[wp_cart_display_product name=”Cities of the World Series: Los Angeles, by R. Conrad Stein, signed (tax included), $5.50 in store; with shipping ” price=”$9.50″ thumbnail=””]

[wp_cart_display_product name=”Cornerstones of Freedom Series: The Story of The Lone Star Republic, by R. Conrad Stein, signed (tax included), $5.50 in store; with shipping ” price=”$9.50″ thumbnail=””]

[wp_cart_display_product name=”Cornerstones of Freedom Series: Lewis & Clark, by R. Conrad Stein, signed (tax included), $5.50 in store; with shipping ” price=”$9.50″ thumbnail=””]

[wp_cart_display_product name=”American the Beautiful Series: Indiana, R. Conrad Stein, signed (tax included), $5.50 in store; with shipping ” price=”$9.50″ thumbnail=””]